Our Aspirational Curriculum

  • Is profoundly personalised, creative and based on deep learning
  • Meticulously identifies and responds to priorities against a pupils’ strengths and needs
  • Consistently and persistently assesses a pupil’s progress
  • Methodically and diligently narrates and reports to a pupil’s EHCP
  • Ensures a purposeful, ambitious, pupil-driven transition to life beyond Critchill School


Every pupil has a Strength & Needs analysis devised annually. These are created collaboratively between professionals and this document should clearly outline an individual’s:

  • Strengths: what motivates them, preferred learning styles, interests, talents, areas of expertise, their strong points, what is working well for them.
  • Areas of development: special educational needs, difficulties, barriers to learning what is not working well, longer term needs
  • Next learning needs: (academic, social and personal) for the coming academic year. These inform the learning intentions and the coverage statements.


Staff develop S&N analysis collaboratively through professional dialogue with one another and by:

  • Using a pupil’s EHCP & Annual Review to help devise a highly accurate S&N and take into account a range of views including parents, other professionals and the pupils themselves.
  • Reflecting on the previous year’s PLIM report. This allows them to evaluate the progress a pupil made against their previous PLIM and identify the next steps suggested by previous class teacher.
  • Referring to any specialist reports from other professionals such as SALT, OT and Physio.

Personal Learning Intention Maps

From the S&N documents we create Personal learning Intention Maps.

These documents are profoundly personalised for each and every student.

As a school staff we have agreed upon 8 areas of ‘Priority learning’ (PLAs) which have been carefully selected to reflect our aspirational and holistic approach. Furthermore our PLAs ensure that coverage is cross curricular and resonates with real life. At Critchill School we believe that sustained and continuous progress in each of these priority learning areas will allow our students to gain the skills and experience that they need to reach their full potential.

At Critchill School we have chosen not to devise a succession of hierarchical ‘next steps’ for our learning intentions. Instead we reassess individual’s S&N each year and develop new PLIMs which are specific to and reflective of a student’s current needs. Therefore we ensure that we ‘address a pupils needs at their point of learning’.

Each student will have one learning intention per priority learning area per year. In order to indicate continuous progress towards achievement of each learning intention, evidence against ‘Coverage statements’ outline significant phases in relation to it.

Each learning intention should be aimed to be completed within an academic year (Sept- July). They should remain aspirational and highly personal to the individual.

Progress against learning Intentions and coverage statements is reviewed, monitored and moderated throughout the school year. We record and evidence progress using the app ‘Evidence for Learning’. Evidence is collected in the form of photographs, videos and staff comments. Evidence should clearly demonstrate that a pupil has mastered a coverage statement. Parents and carers are able to view this evidence on Smart devices and computers at home.