

At Critchill School we believe that mathematical and numeracy skills are an essential part of all pupil’s learning. Maths gives our pupils opportunities to explore, investigate and problem solve to develop their understanding of number, measure, shape and data as well as developing their communication through their spoken and written language using objects, pictures, diagrams and symbols.

We believe that all pupils can become mathematicians.

We teach maths and numeracy at Critchill School at a level that ‘addresses a young person’s needs at their point of learning’ and is appropriate to the learning styles, needs and motivations of each pupil.  

Our profoundly personalised curriculum ensures that individual personal learning intentions are at the heart of our planning. Functional mathematical skills prepare our pupils for life beyond Critchill School and the National Curriculum programmes of study are used to ensure breadth of coverage.

Learning includes discrete daily maths lessons and a cross curricular, thematic approach. We teach maths skills in a variety of curriculum subjects, environments and in events that pupils encounter throughout the school day such as playtimes. 

As a school we are developing a mastery approach towards maths to support pupils to develop a deeper understanding of maths; through the development of maths language and the use of a variety of manipulatives and representations, with an aim for pupils to use their deeper knowledge of a concept to solve problems and explain their reasoning

In Key Stage 4 and Post 16 those pupils whom it is deemed an appropriate learning need will follow the Functional Skills accreditations.