
Mr Andrew Jones
Mr Andrew Jones
Chair of Governors / CEAG Link Governor
Ms Emma West
Ms Emma West
Head Teacher
Mrs Amy Osborne
Mrs Amy Osborne
Staff Governor
Mrs Susan Barton
Mrs Susan Barton
CEIAG Governor
Mrs Kathryn Gurr
Mrs Kathryn Gurr
Community Governor
Mrs Emily Carkeet
Mrs Emily Carkeet
Community Governor
Mrs Susie Curtiss-Sutton
Mrs Susie Curtiss-Sutton
Parent Governor
Mr Craig Doughty
Mr Craig Doughty
Parent Governor
Mrs Claire Gordon
Mrs Claire Gordon
Clerk to Governors


Governor Composition and Attendance

Click here to see the LGB Composition and attendance.


Register of Pecuniary Interests

Please click here to see our register of pecuniary interests.


Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership

All other documents are held by the Trust and can be viewed on the website


Chair of Governors

Chair of Governors is Andy Jones. Contact via the clerk Claire Gordon