
The Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership and all schools within it are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect everyone associated with the Trust to share this commitment.

Safeguarding is protecting children and vulnerable adults from the abuse and/or neglect that leads to significant harm. It relates to the actions taken to promote the welfare of children and young people.

To effectively fulfil this responsibility, all employees and volunteers within the Trust ensure their approach is child-centred and consider at all times, what is in the best interests of the child or young person.


Safeguarding is: 




If you are concerned about a safeguarding issue, please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding policies. Any concerns should be communicated to the 'home school' Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Please see the social story related to Safeguarding 





Local Safeguarding Procedures


Emma West



Emma West


Deputy DSL/CP Officer(s)

Diggy Coe

Jonathon Hoare

Hayley Cobb


Safeguarding Governor

Andy Jones


Designated Teacher for LAC pupils

Hayley Cobb



Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership


Local Procedures



  • Critchill uses an electronic logging system to log safeguarding incidents. Records prior to September 2023 are paper based and are securely stored.
  •  All staff have yearly safeguarding training and are trained on how to report a concern.  There is a training update termly for new staff.
  • Safeguarding & CP procedures and policies are included in the induction process for all new staff.
  • Staff know to log concerns of high priority promptly. This ensures that staff are fully aware of a high priority concern in ‘real time’ and DSLs are able to initiate actions immediately.
  • The DSL is responsible for cascading all updates from LCSB meetings to the staff team via briefing meetings and email updates.
  • An electronic record of all concerns are kept and stored securely. These systems are regularly monitored and quality assured. 
  • Referrals to Children’s Social Care & Adult's Social Care are completed by the DSLs.
  •  Core group/CP conferences are attended by the DSL or Deputy DSLs.
  •  Annual safeguarding audits are completed by the DSL and are done so in line with Ofsted requirements. These are reported to the nominated Governor for Safeguarding.
  • In the absence of the DSL, the Deputy DSL will assume this role.
  • The DSL meets weekly (more often if necessary) with all Deputy DSLs.
  • The DSL attends Local Authority DSL meetings.
  • The DSL attends LCSB meetings.
  • The curriculum includes opportunities for young people to explore issues around safeguarding and online safety.
  • Pupils know who they can talk to if they are worried. Posters are displayed in all rooms.
  • Weekly ‘Critchill Code’ lessons focus on encouraging pupils to recognise how to keep themselves safe.
  • An enabling environment to feel secure and well protected.
  • Rigorous monitoring of absence with timely and appropriate follow up to ensure all pupils attend regularly.





Further Information can also be found on: 



Safer Internet

Visitors in school - Safeguarding Social Story